Friday, May 9, 2014

Tom Stockwell's Articles about Jue Joe in the St. Helena Star

Recently Tom Stockwell a writer for the St. Helena Star wrote a wonderful two part story on Jue Joe in his series "Missing faces of the Napa Valley." Tom interviewed me for the articles and took a lot of time to read and research our family history blog in detail . Here is the link to Tom's first article which discusses Jue Joe's time in the Napa Valley and his second article which discusses Jue Joe's life after leaving the Napa Valley .

Here are some of our family's pictures and a picture of old St Helena Chinatown which Tom included in his articles and Tom's captions.  His articles are an excellent summary of Jue Joe's life as well as the hidden history of the Chinese in the Napa Valley.

"Jue Joe, a Chinese immigrant who spent nearly 13 years in St. Helena, is reunited with his family after a long separation. Pictured are Jue Joe, his wife, Leong Shee, and his two Chinese-born sons, San You and San Tong. Jue Joe left China at the age of 14, returned to be married, re-immigrated to the U.S., and built a business that would allow his family to immigrate to this country. His wife did not hear from him for nine years while he earned enough money to help them immigrate."
 Courtesy of the Jue family

"Jue Joe arrived at St. Helena’s Chinatown at the age of 14 to work in the vineyards. St. Helena’s Chinatown was located kitty-corner from today’s Tra Vigne Restaurant, across the road from Long Meadow Ranch, at the edge of a gravel pit. It was home to 300 workers. Jue Joe spent nearly 13 years here."
 Courtesy of the St. Helena Historical Society

"Jue Joe — once a resident of St. Helena Chinatown — as he appeared in 1918 after returning from China. Jue made a fortune in vegetables, lost it, and returned to make it again. "
Courtesy of the Jue family

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